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Oops Adventures - Training

Oops Adventures - Training

Adopting a puppy is a piece of cake, said no one ever. Brace yourself and embrace puppy training with consistency, lots of support and rewards - treats, treats, and treats.

You would be surprised to know how much time and effort it takes to train humans. Puppy is like a full-time job! I heard I needed to be consistent. So here I am, waking up every night with the family, to go for a walk outside. I cannot hold on all night long, so I will not let them sleep in.

They have to learn that I have needs, and that unlike humans, my toilet is outside. Speak of training puppies I am the real trainer here!

The good thing with new families is their brain is like a sponge; they learn quickly. Thanks to our common training, we also quickly spared any confusion learning what was ok to do and what was not -for them, as for me. However, since we have not known each other for a very long time yet, we are still trying to find our pace. I try to remain calm when I teach them something as easy as walking on leash, although they tend to get on my nerves! See for yourself:

puppy_diary_leash_training-2Come on, I said we're going the other way!

The family decided to go get some advice from the puppy trainer we visited last time. So we headed back to puppy classes. I was offended at first, I must say. As far as I know, I am not the one pulling the leash! But these training classes are an excellent way to socialise with my parents, other dogs and strangers too, whilst being in different environments.

You must know by now that I am an easy going pup - despite my lack of patience with humans sometimes. So, again, I made lots of new doggo friends there! Even the puppy trainer was nice. Training was so fun the day went by very fast. It was very stimulating both mentally and physically, and actually, I discovered new things I cannot wait to teach my humans.

The training classes we attended with my new mom and father have been truly great times where we got to spend time together, have fun and get closer. And last but not least, the reason why I am really loving these training sessions is treats.

It is called positive reward: anytime I do something they wanted me to do, or whenever I act well, there is always someone around to hand me a treat and praise me. I can assure you, that is one good way to remember. Sometimes, I feel sorry not to have any treats to give back to my parents when they act well, but then I remember I am cute, and humble. They should be pleased just to have me.

At the end of the day, my parents took me outside for a walk and a quick wee before they go to bed. I didn't even have to beg for it! It looks like the training classes paid off. After the walk, praise and treat for being a, I quote: good boy, I went to bed without a fuss. Puppy classes are exhausting. But whilst I was falling asleep, I noticed my parents tick boxes on a piece of paper. This is the paper they wrote on, and see, it is from ADAPTIL!


Too bad they don't do the same for humans

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